Assam: In a significant political development, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has successfully captured both the Rajya Sabha seats, with Rameswar Teli and Mishan Ranjan Das emerging victorious. The election process ended without any contest as the opposition decided not to field any candidate, leading to an unopposed victory for the BJP candidates. The election officials officially recognised the victory, awarding Teli and Das their certificates, thereby strengthening their position in the Upper House. Mishan Ranjan Das and Rameswar Teli had filed their nominations as Rajya Sabha candidates on August 21. Teli shed light on the current political scenario after filing his nomination papers, in which he said that no opposition candidate has filed their nomination yet. He said, “Given the circumstances, it seems that we may secure our position unopposed,” which shows the strong position of the BJP in the region.
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