APPSC extends deadline for submission of applications for Group 1 posts

The Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission (APPSC) recently announced an extension of the application deadline for Andhra Pradesh Group-1 candidates. The original deadline was January 21, but it has now been extended to January 28. This decision was made after receiving requests from the candidates.
The Group-1 notification was released in December and there are a total of 81 Group-1 posts that will be filled. These include positions such as Deputy Collector, Assistant Commissioner of Taxes, DSP (Civil), Regional Transport Officer, Deputy Registrar in Cooperative Services, and District Employment Officer.
Other positions that will be filled through this recruitment process include District Social Welfare Officer, Assistant Treasury Officer, Assistant Accounts Officer, Assistant Audit Officer, Deputy Superintendent in Jails Department, District BC Welfare Officer, Municipal Commissioner Grade-2, and Assistant Prohibition and Excise Superintendent.
The preliminary exam for Group-1 candidates will be held on March 17. The government has announced that this exam will be conducted offline and in objective mode. The date for the mains exam, which will be conducted in descriptive mode, has not been finalized by the commission yet.