Telangana: Due to the low productivity of agriculture in the state, the income of farmers is decreasing due to frequent droughts. Most of the farmers have to depend on them. Keeping this in mind, to ensure financial and social security for farmers, the Telangana government has launched an innovative scheme called Rythu Sweta Jiuta Bima Yojana (Rythu Bima) in 2018 along with other programs in the agriculture sector. Through this, if the farmers die suddenly, the insurance amount of Rs. 5 lakh will be paid. The nominee will get the benefit of this scheme within 10 days. Farmers aged 18 to 59 years are eligible to register for this scheme. The entire premium to LIC is paid by the government. In the first year, the Telangana state government paid Rs 2,271 per farmer and last year it paid Rs 3,556 per farmer. Recently the Telangana government is receiving applications from farmers in this regard. Initially, the government used to accept applications at any time, but now it is accepting applications only during the rainy season. New Pattadaru Farmers Farmers who have received patta passbooks by July 28, 2024 can also apply for Raithu Bima. The application should be made by August 5, 2024. It has been said that only those farmers who have not been able to get Kisan Bima should get Kisan Bima. Eligible farmers should submit the application to the AEO. The application form should be accompanied by Pattadaru pass book or digitally signed DS paper and Aadhar card of the farmer and Aadhar card of the nominee. At present, officials are reaching out to those who have attained age, names of the deceased have been removed from the scheme and those who have taken new passbooks. Those who are already registered in this scheme do not need to register afresh.