Alert for train passengers! Know under what circumstances you can pull train chain

The Indian Railways operates around 13,169 trains including 13,000 passenger trains daily and more than 3 crore people travel to over 7,325 stations across the country, except Sikkim.
The trains run on both long-distance and suburban routes of the country. The Indian Railways is considered as one of the largest railway systems in the world under single management.
In order to make the journey of the passengers more convenience, comfortable and safer, the Indian Railways has made many rules. It also allows the passengers to pull the chain of the train in case of emergency.
The train stops when the chain, placed near the doors of each coach, is pulled. However, one must know under what circumstances, the chain is to be pulled or else action will be taken against the passenger, who pulled the chain.
The passengers can pull the chain for any of the following reasons:
If a co-traveler is left behind at the station.
If fire breaks out in the train.
If a passenger falls from a moving train.
If a differently-abled person faces any problem.
If the health condition of any of the passenger becomes serious and he/she needs medical help.
If there is loot in the train.
However, in case anyone pulls the chain of the train without any valid reason or without any of the above, then he/she can face action which might be either fine or jail term or at a time both.