
Ahmedabad: NSUI demands action against those responsible for LD engineering professor’s suicide

Professor Nimish Shah of LD Engineering College committed suicide by hanging himself at his Gandhinagar residence last day. It is written in the suicide note that he committed suicide due to work load. Now NSUI has also come forward in the whole matter. NSUI alleges that the professor of LD Engineering College committed suicide after being fed up with the workload. Along with leveling the allegations, NSUI also staged a sit-in outside the college principal’s office. NSUI has demanded action against those responsible.

The principal of the college is on leave for four days

In this matter, it has been disclosed by LD Engineering College that there is no work load in the college. All people are assigned educational tasks. All the professors are happy with their work. Rajul Gajjar, Principal of LD Engineering College, is on leave for four days from the day of the incident. Apart from this, Rajul Gajjar has not yet come forward even after two days have passed since the incident of suicide. The deceased professor was assigned the work of electrical maintenance. The work done by PWD, the professor had to hand over the paper to PWD when the lights and fans were switched off. He was also given a team for scholarship work.

Faculty positions are largely vacant for a long time

Gujarat Pradesh Congress spokesperson Dr. Manish Doshi made a serious allegation that there is acute shortage of staff in Gujarat Government Engineering Degree-Diploma College due to various reasons like voluntary retirement, age retirement, resignation, switching to other jobs, promotion and death. Major posts in degree and diploma colleges in engineering colleges are lying vacant for a long time. 276 posts of first class are vacant in Government Engineering College, due to which sufficient work has not been done in projects, research and innovation.

Teachers haven’t got higher pay scale for 12 years

He said that 310 out of 478 Class III seats and 197 out of 265 Class IV seats are vacant in Government Engineering College. Out of 2744 sanctioned posts in engineering college, one thousand posts including 500 professors are vacant. Due to huge vacancies of faculty, other works are hanging in the balance. Professors are doing the work of collecting fees from students, making bills. Apart from teaching from college teachers in engineering degree-diploma, the heavy load of administrative work also affects the teaching. Due to which teachers are feeling mental stress. Due to the indecision of the state government, teachers of government engineering colleges have not got higher pay scale for 12 years.

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