
Get flawless skin with these home remedies

Home remedies to get spotless skin – How To Get Clear And Spotless Skin In Hindi
While there are many skin and beauty care products available in the market, nothing beats the goodness and goodness of natural products. So, try some easy and home remedies today that can help you get glowing and flawless skin.

  1. Detox water to clean the face – Detox Water For Clear Skin In Hindi
    Washing face with water is not enough. To get glowing and healthy skin, you should drink at least 6-8 glasses of water daily. Water carries nutrients to your cells and keeps them hydrated. But plain water can get pretty boring, so why not add some delicious fruits and vegetables to your water? That’s why detox water is a great solution.
    Adding the right fruits, vegetables and herbs to your water can improve your skin at a cellular level and help you achieve clear, glowing skin. For your detox water, focus on the fruits and vegetables that contain the most skin-healthy nutrients:
    Citrus fruits (lemons, oranges, grapefruit) – Citrus fruits play an important role in the formation of collagen due to their high vitamin C content and are known to be an anti-oxidant.
    Strawberries – Strawberries are rich in ellagic acid, folate and vitamin C. It works to neutralize cell damage caused by each free radical. Ellagic acid also helps protect the skin from UV damage.
    Apples – Apples are rich in malic acid, which helps in renewing the skin cells to make the skin clean and soft.
    Cucumber – Cucumber is rich in antioxidants, including vitamin C, beta-carotene and manganese. They are hydrating which is essential for soft, supple skin.
    Mint – Mint is rich in antioxidants and flavonoids. Mint is known to soothe and heal inflammation and keep acne at bay.
    Watermelon – Watermelon helps in flushing out toxins from the body and is loaded with anti-oxidants, which help fight free radicals.
    Apple cider vinegar – Apple cider vinegar is rich in enzymes that help balance the bacteria in your gut. It also helps in promoting weight loss by helping in digestion.
    Aloe vera – Aloe vera is known for its skin healing properties. It may also help promote clearer, brighter skin.
    Ginger – Ginger has abundant anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties. It can be effective in keeping the skin beautiful and glowing by reducing inflammation and keeping the skin hydrated. [12]
  2. Coconut Oil – Coconut Oil For Clear Skin
    Coconut oil is full of natural saturated fats that can benefit your health and beauty in many ways. Coconut oil is naturally anti-bacterial and anti-fungal, and works wonders for your skin. When mixed with sea salt or brown sugar, it can act as a great moisturizer as well as an exfoliator.
    Although coconut oil is an effective moisturizer, people who are prone to acne should avoid applying it on their face. Coconut oil can be used as a hydrating, chemical-free alternative to shaving cream or even as a natural cheekbone highlighter. [13]
  3. Lemon – Use Lemon For Clear Skin
    The benefits of using lemon on your skin are related to the natural acidity of this citrus fruit as well as its vitamin C content. Lemon juice has astringent properties due to its acidic level. Its low pH level ingredients help in reducing inflammation and oiliness. Lemon has antimicrobial effects, which may help tame Propionibacterium acnes bacteria, which cause inflammatory acne. Citrus ingredients like lemon work well to lighten age spots or acne scars as well as your facial hair.
  4. Clean the face with apple vinegar – Apple Cider Vinegar For Clear Skin
    There are two ways to get the benefits of apple cider vinegar for your skin: by consuming it or by applying it to your skin. You can heal your skin from the inside out by taking a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar every day. To use it properly, ACV should be diluted in a small amount of water. If you want to make it tastier, add some honey.
    It will tone your skin, helping to reduce blemishes and promote a more balanced complexion. It can be harsh for sensitive skin. So start by diluting ACV with water in a ratio of 1:4. Apply apple cider vinegar directly (without diluting) to a single pimple with a cotton swab.
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