
Shimla: Orange alert issued for next 36 hours

Shimla: The Meteorological Department has issued an alert of heavy to very heavy rains at isolated places in Bilaspur, Chamba, Hamirpur, Kangra, Kullu, Mandi, Shimla, Sirmaur, Solan and Una districts in the next 36 hours. The department has maintained an orange alert of heavy to very heavy rains on August 1-2 in isolated areas of many districts.
The department had also issued an orange alert of heavy to very heavy rains for today. Light to moderate rains were recorded at many places in the last 25 hours, with Una, Dharamshala and Manali recording the highest rainfall. The Meteorological Department has warned that heavy to very heavy rains may cause flooding and waterlogging in low-lying areas. This may also lead to landslides and mudslides. People have been advised to follow the advisories issued by the concerned departments in the next two days.

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