
Madurai district: Efforts to protect banyan trees and raise awareness

Madurai District: A man named Abu Bakar is taking care of a 105-year-old banyan tree in Madurai district of Tamil Nadu. A resident of Meenambalpuram area of ​​Madurai is taking care of a 105-year-old banyan tree which can be seen on the river bank. It is believed that Madurai was full of banyan trees. There were about nine banyan trees on the banks of the Kanmai River, but only one survived after years of invasion. Abu Bakar is now 62 years old. He claims that he grew up looking at the tree and enjoying its shade. To save the life of the remaining banyan tree, Abu Bakar uses a water management system after calculating the life of the banyan tree. With the help of his intensive research, Abu Bakar is trying to protect the banyan tree and raise awareness by celebrating his birthday recently. The banyan tree, which helps filter the air, thrives during the monsoons of June and July. So he celebrates his birthday every year on July 28. Thus this year this oldest banyan tree will turn 105 years old. Trees like banyan and royal tree grow high in the water level. To maintain it, Abu Bakar protects the banyan tree by adding soil and hiding the roots. “Until now, some people do not know the glory of this ancient banyan tree. They cut the branches and leaves of the tree and pollute it by throwing garbage near the tree. Therefore, in the coming days, to better protect this ancient banyan tree, I will put soil around the banyan tree and make a platform with cement,” said Abu Bakar. Compare the banyan tree to a mother and father. He calls his leaves like a child, we need to keep safe. Abu Bakar said, “If we contaminate it, the family will disappear later.” So he says my greatest wish is to protect my family, which I consider my life.

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