
Life Style: Patharchatta is a storehouse of medicinal properties, know its benefits

Life Style: Nowadays people are very conscious about their health and the trend towards Ayurvedic medicines has also increased. In such a situation, today we will tell you about such a medicinal plant, whose leaves are nothing more than a panacea for your body. Patharchatta plant, which remains green in every season. Patharchatta plant has healing properties that help the body get rid of many diseases. Patharchatta is used to get relief from problems related to kidney and urinary tract diseases. Patharchatta plant is mainly used for the treatment of kidney stone problem. In Ayurveda, it is considered a panacea for kidney stones. By making a decoction of the leaves and drinking it, urinary problems like intermittent urination, burning sensation and pain during urination are cured. The juice of Patharchatta leaf contains a special element that helps in controlling blood pressure. Apart from this, regular consumption of Patharchatta also keeps your heart healthy. To do this, extract the juice of Patharchatta leaves, add five drops to water and drink it daily on an empty stomach.

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