
Petition filed in High Court for return of 22 camels seized by police after they went missing

Prayagraj: A petition has been filed in the Allahabad High Court to find 22 camels that were missing when they were seized by the police in Meerut. Anas and Usman of Lisadi Gate police station area of Meerut had taken 22 camels during Eid in August 2019. Then the police administration took strict action and imposed a ban on their sacrifice and confiscated all the 22 camels.
Anas alleges that the police had then informed that the seized camel would be sent to a conservation center. According to Anas’s advocate Shams-u-Jama, after three years had passed, Usman had filed a petition in the Allahabad High Court for these camels.
The High Court ordered the Meerut administration to return the camel, but it was not complied with. On this, this time Anas again filed a petition for the return of 22 missing camels. It was said that his camels were seized in 2019 and they have not been returned to him yet.
Anas says that after the first order, the City Magistrate had asked the Lisadi Gate Police to return the camel, but despite this the camel was not returned, whereas in this regard several times the City Magistrate Court was asked to hand over the camel in favor of the legal owner. Was ordered.
The petitioner says that either he should be given all the camels or he should be compensated for them. According to advocate Shams-u-Zaman, the State Government’s Home Secretary, Commissioner Meerut, DM, SSP and City Magistrate have been made parties in the petition.

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