
Hyderabad: Researchers secure 20-year patent for innovative corneal repair stem cell therapy

Hyderabad: In a major advancement in reducing excessive corneal dependency to perform corneal repair and corneal transplantation in patients, two researchers from Hyderabad-based LV Prasad Eye Institute (LVPEI) received a patent. For his new therapy with maternal cells during 20 years of patent office of Government of India with the provisions of Patent Act of 1970. El Dr. Sayan Basu and Dr. Vivek Singh have developed a patented therapy that uses a unique composition of maternal cells obtained from the surface of the eye. The structure has the potential to provide a viable alternative to corneal transplantation that uses native corneal maternal cells or cells derived from donors to replenish the corneal surface with clear and healthy cells. “The potential impact of this patent extends beyond simple scientific research to meet the needs of the public in general. If the clinical trials are successful, this cell-based therapy could revolutionize the treatment of various corneal pathologies”, said Dr. Sayan Basu, corneal surgeon and director of the Center of Ocular Regeneration (CORE), LVPEI. The therapy can also treat keratoconus, a chronic disease in which the cornea thins and changes shape, distorting vision. “Through this patented therapy, there is the possibility of replacing corneal collagen, the connective protein that maintains the shape of the cornea. This technology can result in the replacement of collagen to strengthen the cornea, therefore offering healing potential Have keratoconus. The therapy has the potential to be life-changing and hopefully will be made a reality soon”, says Dr. Vivek Singh, Sudhakar, LVPEI and Scientist Principal, Laboratory of Center of Regeneration Ocular (CORE) and Laboratory of Cellular Maternal Biology. Are. ,

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