
RBI Governor Shaktikanta Das honored with ‘Governor of the Year’ award

New Delhi. Reserve Bank of India Governor Shaktikanta Das has been honored with the ‘Governor of the Year’ award. Shaktikanta Das has been given this honor by London Central Banking. Shaktikanta Das has taken many major decisions after taking over as the governor of the Reserve Bank. Recently, he has taken a big decision to make two thousand rupee notes out of circulation. Central Banking is an international economic research journal. RBI Governor Shaktikanta Das was selected for the award because of his handling of India’s banking system amid the economic crisis that arose during the Covid pandemic and during the economic upheaval. At the same time, he also achieved success in managing inflation efficiently.

Earlier on Tuesday, Reserve Bank Governor Shaktikanta Das had said in the opening address given at the summer meetings organized by Britain’s Central Banking in London that the process of controlling inflation will be slow and long and the inflation target of 4 percent in the medium term. aims to achieve.

The Governor’s name was recommended by the Central Bank for the award in March 2023 itself. He has been awarded the title for his leadership of the central bank during global turmoil and difficult circumstances. He managed the Reserve Bank of India and the entire banking system during the COVID-19 pandemic, critical non-banking companies, the Russia-Ukraine war, etc. Shaktikanta Das led India through the Covid pandemic and the IL&FS crisis.

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