
IIT Tirupati conducts training on ‘Aquifer Performance Test’

Tirupati: A 3-day training programme on ‘Aquifer Performance Test’ is underway at IIT Tirupati. The test is aimed at covering all hydro-geological units in the state by constructing 117 borewells at 26 locations in the state and as such, the officers of Groundwater &Water Audit Department of Rayalaseema region have been attending the training programme.

In view of the prevailing groundwater development activity in the state, to evolve an effective groundwater management practices, the Groundwater and Water Audit Department under ‘National Hydrology Project’ proposed to conduct Aquifer Performance Test covering all hydro-geological units in the state by constructing 117 bore wells at 26 locations in the state.

IIT Tirupati Director Dr K Satyanarayana, Senior Joint commissioner, NHP, Delhi Dr Gnana Sunder, Director, Ground Water & Water Audit Department M John Satya Raju, Joint Director, Ground Water & Water Audit Department N Srinivasu, Vice-president of M/s NABCONS, Hyderabad Shilpa Deshpande and others attended the programme.

The programme was structured to train up the field level officers on conducting APT, data analysis and interpretation including practical training on the wells constructed in the campus of IIT. The Director IIT Tirupati opined that the Institute intends to go hand in hand with GW department to develop appropriate GW management strategies to evolve effective management practice with involvement of community for better GW governance.

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