
Holi celebrations in Odisha: Here’s how Fire Services Department is prepared to address any water emergency cases

Bhubaneswar: Odisha Fire Services Department has made elaborate arrangement for the safety of people during Holi celebrations across the state tomorrow.

The Fire & Emergency service personnel will stay alert to tackle any drowning accidents near water bodies like rivers, ponds, lakes, wells, and crowded areas. Besides, one rescue team equipped with water rescue aids are in readiness in 345 Fire stations throughout the state to meet out any water emergency cases, informed Debendra Kumar Swain, the Chief Fire Officer (SAG), FPW, Odisha, Cuttack.

Following arrangements have been made by the Fire Services Department:

100 Nolias are staying alert under the guidance of Dy. Fire Officer Puri, at Sea Beach Out Post to attend the drowning accident.
In Cuttack 03 extra teams equipped with modernised floating aids & equipments have been formed to deploy near vulnerable water areas such as Gadgadia, Zobra & Debighat areas to tackle any downing accidents.
In capital city Bhubaneswar 05 extra teams equipped with modernised floating aids & equipments have been formed to deploy near vulnerable areas such as Kuakhai, Balighat, Puri Canal, Balianta Siphon, Kesura, Daya etc to tackle any downing accidents.
Fire Patrol teams will be patrolling in vulnerable dark spot areas during most vulnerable time.
Extra skilled manpower @ five nos, are kept in prepositioning in each district level for this purpose.
One State Control Room has been formed at Directorate of Fire & Emergency Service for proper coordination.
Besides, 236 RFM trainees have been kept in readiness at OFDRA, Bhubaneswar to attend any water emergency accident at Bhubaneswar City.
Apart from this Fire & Emergency Service Personnel are engaged to create awareness among the public to take utmost precaution and to avoid consuming alcohol near water bodies, use organic colors, take bath inside bathroom and prioritize safety.

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