
Divisional Commissioner reviewed wheat procurement in Karnal

The Divisional Commissioner, Dr Saket Kumar, on Sunday inspected the new grain market in Nissing and reviewed the procurement and lifting status of wheat in the mandi. He directed the officials concerned to speed up the lifting so that it could be delivered to godowns at the earliest.

He said no problem would be faced by arhtiyas in wheat lifting. He reviewed the cleanliness status in the grain market and was satisfied with the arrangements.

Meanwhile, the district authorities have pushed the lifting and so far around 68 per cent of the procured wheat has been lifted from all 22 procurement centres and grain markets of the district.

So far, grain markets and the purchase centres have recorded an arrival of around 69 lakh quintals, of which nearly 68 lakh quintals have been procured, and around 68 per cent procured wheat has been lifted, said Ishwar Rana, District Marketing Enforcement Officer, Haryana State Agricultural Marketing Board.

He said the Deputy Commissioner Anish Yadav had already directed all procurement agencies to speed up the lifting work and the agencies had speeded up the process.

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