
Punjab: 4 RTAs in the dock for allowing operators to cover longer distances

Punjab: Regional Transport Authorities (RTAs) in Patiala, Jalandhar, Ferozepur and Bathinda allegedly allowed private transporters to travel extra kilometres in violation of the Punjab Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989. Benefiting private transporters, including political heavyweights, the RTAs allowed clubbing of stage carriage permits on various routes, which were shown as composite permits in the timetable. The move caused huge losses to the state exchequer. Transport Minister Laljit Bhullar today said investigations revealed that the permits were clubbed not only illegally but also without jurisdiction.

“The transport department has found several irregularities, including clubbing of permits of different routes, issuance of multiple composite permits disguised as one unit and unauthorised retention of excess return trips instead of mandatory surrender. I have examined all composite permits consolidated under Rule 80-A of the Punjab Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989,” Bhullar said. The move comes in response to a rise in legal cases in the Punjab and Haryana High Court where several operators challenged the validity of composite stage carriage permits. Recently, the state transport secretary (STC) had written to all four RTAs pointing out that permits falling on different routes have been clubbed together. The STC pointed out that instead of issuing a composite permit for a single route, multiple permits for different routes have been clubbed together. The practice of clubbing bus permits together has been going on for many years, irrespective of which party is in power.

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