
World Bank promises $2 billion in aid to Bangladesh

BUSINESS: The World Bank said on Tuesday it could raise $2 billion in additional financing this fiscal year to help Bangladesh implement key reforms, respond to flooding and improve air quality and health. World Bank regional director Abdulai Sek pledged the new aid during a meeting with Muhammad Yunus, chief adviser to the caretaker government, at the Jamuna State Guest House in Dhaka on Tuesday. Sek said the World Bank is “committed to increasing lending to Bangladesh this fiscal year to support the transitional government’s reform agenda,” the top adviser tweeted.

Yunus said in another post about the secretary of state’s comments, which came after the US Agency for International Development (USAID) in Bangladesh said on Sunday it would help boost growth, empower youth, strengthen democracy, improve health, and expand business and economic opportunities for residents of the Bangladeshi. South Asian country. It will provide Bangladesh with $202.25 million in aid.

The SEC’s meeting with Yunus comes more than a month after Yunus, known for his close ties with Washington, was appointed Bangladesh’s top adviser following the resignation of Sheikh Hasina, who led student protests on August 5. She fled the country during massive protests organised by the government. “We would like to help you as soon as possible,” state news agency BSS quoted Sec as saying.

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