9 lakhs embezzled from the earnest money, Khamhardih police arrested the accused

Raipur. The police has arrested the accused who cheated by taking Rs. 9,00,000/- as earnest money after making an agreement to get the land. Vijay Kumar Sahu filed a report by submitting a written application that Shashikant Sukhadeve cheated him by taking Rs. 9,00,000/- as earnest money in the name of getting him land in Avanti Vihar Raipur and not getting the land. On this report, a case has been registered and investigation has been taken up.
During investigation, on searching the address of accused Shashikant Sukhadeve, he was found at his residence. He was taken into custody and brought to the police station. On questioning the accused, he told that he had prepared an agreement to get the applicant land in Avanti Vihar Raipur and took an advance amount of Rs. 9,00,000/- but did not get the land. Cases of fraud are also registered against the accused in Police Station Pandri Raipur and Police Station Saraswati Nagar Raipur. Accused Shashikant Sukhadeve was arrested and produced before the Hon’ble Court and judicial remand was obtained. Police Station Incharge Khamhardih Inspector Narendra Mishra, PR 353 Devendra Dhruv, R- 2157 Akhilesh Sahu, R- 1200 Mukesh Verma played an important role in the proceedings.
Name of the accused
Shashikant Sukhadeve Father Shri Neelkanth Sukhadeve Age 55 years Resident 78, SM, Capital Homes, Saddu