
8 benefits of eating curd

Curd made from milk has been used in food for thousands of years. Nutrients like protein, calcium, riboflavin, vitamin B are found in it. The amount of calcium that strengthens teeth and bones is 18 times more in curd than in milk. Digestion starts happening well and the appetite seems open.

  1. Increases digestive power –
    Regular consumption of curd is considered like nectar for the body. It removes anemia and weakness. When milk takes the form of curd. Then its sugar turns into acid. This helps in digestion. People who have less appetite. Curd is very beneficial for those people.
  2. Removes stomach heat –
    Making curd buttermilk or lassi and drinking it calms the heat of the stomach. Diarrhea is stopped by taking isabgol husk with curd or eating rice mixed with curd in case of upset stomach. In other diseases of the stomach, taking curd with rock salt is beneficial.
  3. Intestinal diseases –
    According to American dietitians, regular consumption of curd does not cause intestinal diseases and stomach related diseases.
  4. Heart diseases –
    Curd has amazing ability to prevent heart diseases, high blood pressure and kidney diseases. It prevents the increase of cholesterol and maintains proper heartbeat.
  5. Bone strength –
    Calcium is found in abundance in curd. It helps in the development of bones. In addition, it also strengthens teeth and nails. This helps in proper functioning of the muscles.
  6. Joint pain –
    Eating curd mixed with asafetida provides relief in joint pain. It is tasty as well as nutritious.
  7. Beauty –
    By applying curd on the body and taking a bath, the skin becomes soft and beautiful. Mixing lemon juice in it and applying it on the face, neck, elbows, heels and hands makes the body glow. Drinking curd lassi mixed with honey increases beauty.
  8. Hair beauty –
    To keep hair beautiful and attractive, washing hair with curd or buttermilk is beneficial. For this, a good massage should be done with curd in the hair before taking a bath. Washing the hair after some time ends the dryness or dandruff of the hair.
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